Miso Deflated, 2009
18" H x 14"W x 14"D,
Ceramic, wood, gold, glaze ceramic decals
Private Collection
From 2007-2009, the Tipping Point series warned Americans that we could not continue to defy nature and financial principles and expect to win.
Tipping Point: Miso Deflated (pronounced “Me so deflated) 2009 was the last in the series produced during the Financial Crisis.
Perched on a sinking home with a subprime mortgage is a misoshiru bowl (Japanese soup). Glaze printed one-million-dollar bills with my self-portrait are ceramic shingles. The picket fence is in disrepair, and the misoshiru bowl reached a tipping point pouring foreclosed homes.
For those who were on the cusp of the American dream, the tragedy of losing their homes remains.
Sadly, many people of color and low-income families were conned into bundled subprime mortgages that “reset” to unaffordable monthly payments causing a landslide of foreclosures bringing many US financial institutions to collapse.